Oracle Data Integrator连接Microsoft Sqlserver 2005


I’ve been busy trying to get Oracle Data Integration to work. First step after installation is to connect one or more data sources using the Topology Manager. Although ODI is a fairly new product, it only comes with a SQL Server 2000 driver.

To install the SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver and use it to connect to the database you need to follow the following steps:

Step 1: download JDBC driver

Go to the Microsoft site and download the latest JDBC driver for SQL Server 2005. Check the following URL: You will get a zip file. Unzip it and place the sqljdbc.jar file into the %ODI_HOME%\drivers directory (where %ODI_HOME% of course is the directory where you installed the Oracle DataIntegration application).

Step 2: Define Data Server

Next, start the Topology Manager and in the Physical Architecture tab right-click the SQL Server tree node. Select the InsertData Server option and fill in the first tab (Definition). Now go to the second tab (JDBC). DO NOT select a JDBC driver using the browse button on the right! You can only select the SQL Server 2000 driver from here.

Instead, type the following string directly into the JDBC driver field: Note that this string is slightly different from the SQL Server 2000 driver, which is

And finally for the JDBC URL use the following format: jdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port>, where 1433 is the default SQL Server port.

Press the Test button and voila!